The answer is simple:
To attract what you really want in your life, you just need to live in alignment with your inner self and have a clear vision of your future.
However, the execution is actually the tricky part.
The vast majority of people spend their lives living out of alignment with their inner self -where their deepest wishes and aspirations live - and the daily life that they actually are leading.
This imbalance may display itself strongly sometimes in the form of illness, anxiety, and even depression… just to name a few.
Or it may simply manifest itself in a subtle form in your day-to-day life, in the shape of recurring dreams or thoughts for example… as if it were an irritating travel companion, whispering that you are ignoring something.
Making it obvious to you, that there is a more important agenda waiting for you and that you are not taking action in that direction… keeping that imbalance in your life…
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1.Watch this YouTube video
2.Listen to this episode of the You Are All You Need podcast (available on any podcast streaming service)
3. Continue reading this article :)
Gandhi once said that “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony”.
In other words, when one returns to their natural balance, by being true to oneself in every act and thought. And this is precisely when you really begin to listen to that whisper -that you hear every now and then and pay attention to that sensation of longing.
When you begin to regain that state of natural internal balance that produces that feeling of constant and undeniable happiness within you.
When you reach this point of internal discovery, you understand that living only makes sense if you are undeniably you.
More and more social rules and expectations disappear about what you should be or do, and with this inner strength you advance in the world, from a higher vibrational energy, which without you realizing affects everything and everyone around you, because you have begun to live in alignment and balance with your soul, with your deepest Inner self.
But the question you may have is:
What does it mean to start living with a higher vibrational energy and how does this affect everything and everyone around you?
We all know of people who have a special light or even transmit peace and happiness when we are around them, and vice versa. Quite often we use the term good vibrations or bad vibrations to refer to that feeling that this person gives us, or even certain situations, etcetera.
It is no coincidence. We use these terms because in reality what we are referring to is precisely that each one of us is energy living in a constant and infinite energy field where everything is interconnected.
To explain this and to understand it a bit better, we need to talk about the quantum field.
Quantum physics appeared in 1925. A physics that came to explain certain principles of Newton's traditional physics that had been the norm when explaining the universe until that moment.
This meant the beginning of a new way of conceiving the universe and ourselves as interconnected elements in this network of invisible energy.
To understand it in a more specific manner, if you were to look deeply into your hand, you would find cells, and within the cells you would find your DNA at the center of each one of them.
Within the DNA you would find atoms, and within these, if you look really closely you would find that there is nothing, only protons, neutrons and electrons, and 99.999999 % empty space.
Let’s make it something we can relate to: if the proton were the size of an apple, the electron would be the size of a grain of salt, and it would be 2 km away from the proton. In other words, all this space in the atom would be completely empty.
Protons, neutrons and electrons are particles that essentially emerge from what is called the quantum field, and deep down, these particles are energy waves, literally energy vibrations. In other words, something that is apparently solid and permanent is in actual fact something changing and almost empty.
This new physics said that there was an invisible energy field that forms and surrounds everything, something that Newton’s physics had not taken into account at all.
This conception of reality tells us that absolutely everything that surrounds us, ourselves included, are all energy.
We are an apparently solid mass with volume due to the grouping of the atoms, but inside, in the deepest reaches, we are energy vibrations. We are energetic beings emitting energy field vibrations that connect everything in the Universe.
The truth is, it is not necessary to perfectly understand the concept of quantum physics to be able to work with it.
Just the simple fact of being open to the idea that you are energy existing within a universe of energy, allows you to begin to understand the implications this has for unlocking the infinite potential that you have inside you.
So, how does it work in our day to day….
Within this energy universe, the frequencies of one type attract more frequencies on the same level.
What this means is that whatever the energy that emanates from your being, this will attract the same energy towards you.
If you begin to think negative thoughts and focus on problems, then this is what you will receive in your life. Whereas the opposite will happen if you concentrate on positive thoughts and abundance.
The Universe functions under this law of attraction, in which similar frequencies are constantly attracted to one another.
As an energetic being, the invisible energy of your mind, your thoughts, are key elements in your relationship with the surroundings, because it is your mind with its incessant thoughts that is constantly interpreting the environment.
Your thoughts do not control your reality, but they define how you see it.
Because as James Allen wrote in the classic book “A Man Thinketh” “Men do not attract that which they want but that which they are”.
Like the energy they are, when we send negative thoughts into the universe, without realizing, we are creating blockages in the infinite energy field surrounding us, where we are all interlinked.
We are sending a low vibrational frequency outwards which will attract these same low frequencies into your life.
Here are some examples of things that cause low vibrations to perpetuate: constantly complaining, feeling hate or rage, maintaining toxic relationships (friendships, partners), constantly talking about problems or situations from the past, feeling jealousy, guilt, being unable to forgive, constantly living with fears, eating processed food, the list goes on.
There are people who spend all their lives trapped in these low vibrational frequencies, and all of us at some point or another in our lives have been there or are there now.
It is also essential to understand that negative thoughts are also part of our mind, and on many occasions, they are necessary to be able to awaken and see our reality from a new perspective.
It is important to understand so as not to blame yourself or to always feel bad about yourself every time you have negative emotions or thoughts. Otherwise, the only thing you will be doing is to remain in the loop of negativity which will do nothing else other than decrease your energy further.
Stopping this internal war is your function as the observer of your thoughts and emotions, as we discussed in a previous article titled 'Understanding Who You Are'
Normally, when you find yourself in constant loops of negativity, this is mainly because you are acting on automatic pilot, in other words, you are allowing your subconscious mind to direct your days using certain patterns of action and thought acquired throughout your life.
WHAT I DO WHEN I GET CAUGHT MYSELF ON THOSE NEGATIVE LOOPS? I stop, breathe, and consciously examine these negative thoughts, and their cause, and take active responsibility to change them.
It is your duty to regain your natural internal balance and increase your vibrational frequencies.
By doing this, you are placing yourself in charge of your life, no longer being a victim of your thoughts and environment.
Everything in life changes, nothing lasts forever, and you certainly cannot forecast what is going to happen within an hour, however, your great strength resides in taking control and actively deciding what to do with whatever happens to you, whether for good or bad. This is your deepest responsibility.
When you do this analysis exercise, you will find thoughts and emotions that perhaps you find difficult to leave behind, and they constantly repeat themselves, such as rage, anguish, fear, frustration, for example.
In these cases, it is important to do an in-depth introspective exercise to find the cause behind them and dare to see what it is they are trying to tell you, even though whatever you find on the other side may be very painful.
In fact, if you do not resolve these internal blockages, it will be difficult for you to increase your vibrational frequency, as you will still be out of sync internally, and that is where the vibrations you emit to the Universe come from.
When you are capable of taking control of your internal balance, living according to your deepest hopes and dreams, this is when you suddenly begin to discover new options and opportunities, and you begin to create with the universe helping you and working with you on your path towards reaching your objectives and sending what you want and believe into your life.
Ready To Upgrade?
➡️ If you enjoyed this article, you’ll find a much deeper analysis on how to start living a life full of passion and purpose in my book You Are Already Everything You Need
➡️ Click here to download the first four episodes of my book for free
➡️ Join the 20-Day Challenge in my podcast You Are All You Need and start walking together this journey of self-transformation
Última actualización el 07 de Mayo 2024
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