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How I embraced my insecurities

How I embraced my insecurities

August 08, 20244 min read

Discovering the reason why you are here, who you really are, and what your infinite potential is, is a process of awakening. 

It is a process that involves gradually chipping away at those layers of clay, like in the story of the Golden Buddha explained in our last article, to discover the Inner self that is hidden in the deepest part of each one of us.

The awakening process is something marvelous, but it is also a long and painful path on many occasions because it means having to face the fears, wounds, frustrations, insecurities and so on, that you have been hiding within yourself, denying and even ignoring them.

Really quick: there are actually 3 ways to enjoy this article:

  1. Watch this YouTube video 

    How I embraced my insecurities

2. Listen to this episode of the You Are All You Need podcast (available on any podcast streaming service)

3. Continue reading this article :)


In my case, I vividly remember the day when for the first time in my life (at the age of 32)

I realized that all the problems I had had in my life had been caused because I was insecure. 

It was this insecurity that had led me to be defensive, to be prideful, feel internal anguish, to self-sabotage, be afraid of every decision, not accept my defects or weaknesses, feel guilty about everything, etcetera. 

And you know? Apparently, I had always appeared to be a person who was very secure and confident, but nothing was further from the truth.

Personally, it took me years and a great deal of effort to grow internally, until I realized that nothing was going to work if I continued running from that sensation of insecurity that I had deep down inside of me. 

It was a part of myself that I sincerely hated. I did not understand why I had to feel that way all the time, so without realizing it on a conscious level, I decided to cover up that feeling that made me feel so bad.

It was not until I sat down in front of that insecurity and looked it in the face, leaving my ego at the door, that I began to gain an internal clarity and feel an inner force like nothing I had ever felt before. 

So, rather than turning away from that insecurity, I embraced it and tried to understand, from the bottom of my heart, the reason why it was there, what it wanted to tell me, and what I had never listened to.

Without judging, and from a place of kindness and humility, I made my peace with this feeling, understanding that it had been there all that time just to help me awaken and evolve internally like I had never done before.

From that moment onwards, the unconscious blockages that had been built within me through fear of that insecurity began to crumble.

I discovered an inner strength that is with me today, making me more aware of the patterns I used to fall into during my daily life, such as becoming annoyed, getting into a bad mood or giving defensive answers. 

It helps me to get out of them faster when certain situations occur and I feel triggered, or even avoid falling into them before they happen.

Gaining this awareness and clarity requires an ongoing awakening. 

It requires a daily commitment to yourself -through routines that calm the mind and increase your vibrational energy- and to continue working in that direction of internal honesty and kindness, without judging or sabotaging yourself, allowing yourself to be who you really are, in spite of what the subconscious patterns tell you.

Creating this level of change in your life also requires a certain responsibility.

Responsibility for each one of your thoughts, experiences, and feelings.
This means gaining total control of how you react to everything, given that the only thing you can control in any situation is how you perceive it, in other words, your reaction to it.

The journey of awakening involves taking responsibility for your life, facing your fears and insecurities, and understanding that your happiness is only under your control.

AND the key to begin this process of internal discovery is to simply start, even without knowing where it will take you. You do not need to have the whole path laid out for you. You just need to take the first step, then the next, and so on. 

Once you start to do this, the path will begin to open up before you, like magic.

Ready To Upgrade?

➡️ If you enjoyed this article, you’ll find a much deeper analysis on how to start living a life full of passion and purpose in my book You Are Already Everything You Need

➡️ Click here to download the first four episodes of my book for free

➡️ Join the 20-Day Challenge in my podcast You Are All You Need and start walking together this journey of self-transformation

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Ali y Marc


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