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Unconditional Self-love: the Ultimate Power to Change your Life

Unconditional Self-love: the Ultimate Power to Change your Life

August 09, 20244 min read

In our last article, on Day 5 of our challenge, we discussed How to attract what you want in your life. 

Today we’re diving deeper into this same topic but from the perspective of how KEY it is to love yourself and accept yourself internally, just the way you are, defects and all,

to reach this point of amazing co-creation with the universe, attracting the opportunities, people, and situations that you want in your life.

As we explained in our previous publication “How To Attract What You Want I 20-Day Challenge: Day 05”, it is important to do this deep internal exercise to prevent the subconscious blockages of the patterns acquired throughout your life from continuing to interfere with the life that you want to have and the version of yourself that you want to become.


Really quick: there are actually 3 ways to enjoy this article:

  1. Watch this YouTube video:

    Unconditional Self-love: the Ultimate Power to Change your Life
  2. Listen to this episode of the You Are All You Need podcast (available on any podcast streaming service)

  3. Continue reading this article :) 


You see, many people spend years of their lives repeating affirmations to themselves and trying to have positive thoughts every day. 

However, even with these efforts, they continue to be trapped in the same old downward spirals, unable to attain what they truly desire or to become the person they want to become. 

Metaphorically speaking, this occurs because, in some way or another, they have been putting Band-Aids on a wound that has not yet healed… those wounds are the blockages that the person has in the deepest part of their being

These blockages normally relate to fears, frustrations, negative beliefs about oneself and the world around them, lack of self-esteem, and so on.

The real change in your life begins when you are capable of sitting down and talking to yourself, discovering your deepest flaws, forgiving them, and forgiving yourself for them, turning the blame or rage that these have been causing you into self-love and kindness. 

And above all, accepting yourself just the way you are and loving every part of yourself.

It is here, at this precise moment, when everything changes, because you begin to live life from the highest vibration of the universe: unconditional love.

This unconditional love for yourself, this internal well-being, this acceptance of who you are at that precise moment, acts as a catalyst for the remaining thoughts and actions in your life. 

As the quote goes: “As within, so without” and, suddenly it is no longer worth getting angry, feeling rage or hate, criticizing or complaining. 

You feel invincible and powerful, with a sense of gratitude and abundance for everything that you have and already are.

This feeling of unconditional love gives you a power that was already yours from the beginning.

But to find it again,
it was necessary to travel through the darkest layers of your inner self, to be reborn as a new person who transmits love to themselves at all times and, by extension, to everything and everyone around them. 

And just like that, a domino effect begins to occur in the energy field. 

Gandhi is often quoted as saying “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

In other words, be the transmitter of love to yourself, to everything that you do in your life, and to everyone with whom you have relationships. These opportunities that you have longed for will begin to happen as if by magic.

It is the most profound expression of the law of attraction.

Your greatest inner responsibility is to carry out those internal exercises of understanding, kindness, friendliness, and self-love to take back that internal power that you have inside of you and reclaim total responsibility for your happiness.

Understanding that the responsibility for your life, including your thoughts, actions, and decisions, lies solely with you, empowers you in such a way that you begin to see life from a perspective where you are the sole constructor of your happiness.

It does not matter what the circumstances are,
you are ultimately responsible for what you are going to do with those challenges, losses, problems, illnesses, ups and downs, and so on.

You are responsible for creating your destiny, day after day, thought after thought, action after action, and decision after decision.


Ready To Upgrade?

➡️ If you enjoyed this article, you’ll find a much deeper analysis on how to start living a life full of passion and purpose in my book You Are Already Everything You Need

➡️ Click here to download the first four episodes of my book for free

➡️ Join the 20-Day Challenge in my podcast You Are All You Need and start walking together this journey of self-transformation

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Ali y Marc


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