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Your path toward your purpose

Your path toward your purpose

August 06, 20247 min read

Today, we'll delve deeper into the nature of your purpose, specifically focusing on what it means to walk that path. What does it look like, exactly? 

To explore this, I will share my own personal experience and journey towards rediscovering my purpose.

The first thing I’d like to mention, before diving into my personal experience, is that when you set out on your path to finding your purpose, it is important to understand that it is a lifelong process. 
Your true self is eternal but your version of this true self will evolve and change as your circumstances and experiences in life change.


Really quick: there are actually 3 ways to enjoy this article:


  1. Watch this YouTube video:

    Your path toward your purpose


  1. Listen to this episode of the You Are All You Need podcast (available on any podcast streaming service)

  2. Continue reading this article :)


You are constantly evolving and your purpose will always need the most up-to-date version of yourself. 

To do so, it may be that at some point in life you will believe that you have clearly found your purpose by carrying out a certain activity and after a while, you may feel that you are once again searching for another activity that better manifests your purpose.

In my case, it was not until not long ago that I discovered what my purpose is. 

Now I know that my role on this planet is “to inspire others to become the best version of themselves”. 

But if you take a look at my resume, you will see that I have had many different jobs, such as an English teacher, radio presenter, journalist, blogger specializing in sustainable fashion, digital marketing specialist, entrepreneur, author, and yoga teacher. 

Obviously, nobody would say that I have followed a clear path towards the purpose that I have just described!

But not long ago I sat down to analyze my life’s path, and I discovered what all those phases of my life had in common. It was the constant passion to evolve and learn in search of the best version of myself and of a life that would make me feel happy day after day. 

This has always been a factor that has guided everything I have done in my life, -without being consciously aware of it.

Each stage has always led me to the next, causing me to grow and acquire new skills. 

During my time as a radio presenter, I learned to communicate better, and from there I went on to work for a newspaper and collaborate with different magazines, where I discovered that what I really enjoyed was writing. 

From there I began my career as a blogger, where for the first time I began to write publicly about topics that really interested me, which at that time, 10 years ago, was fashion. 

As my blog developed, it shifted towards sustainable fashion. This transition helped me understand that my true passion was not fashion itself, but rather creating awareness and change in the sector, by empowering people to become responsible for their consumption habits. 

This led to my period as a teacher, where I discovered that what I liked was not so much giving English classes, but rather giving classes that generated a space for discussion and debate about emotional and social topics that helped students to open their minds and understand the world -and themselves- from a more enriching and active perspective, empowering them to become part of the change on the planet.

After this stage came my time as a digital marketing specialist and entrepreneur, with a digital e-commerce platform, a marketplace for sustainable brands, and co-founding an online music school in the last years. 

This entrepreneurial path with my partner caused me to constantly evolve on a personal level by having to stop and take stock of my life a thousand times and gradually undo patterns of conduct, thoughts, fears, and beliefs that were blocking my capacity to grow and maximize my potential on both a professional and personal level. 

It is exactly those constant processes of evolution and rebalancing in this stage as an entrepreneur -combined with the fact of being a mother, having a partner who adores me at my side, and living a dream life of having achieved everything that I had once imagined.

That has several times
led me to an internal crisis in which I ask myself the question: Is that all there is? What is success? What is happiness? Even though I have it, why do I sometimes feel empty? 

And it was in search of these answers that I ended up in the world of yoga 4 years ago.

My training stage as a yoga teacher helped me immerse myself into a process of personal growth like never before, in which everything, mind, body, and spirit, came together in perfect unison for the first time in my life.

This helped me understand what it meant to live a happy life with passion and purpose.

In the end, it does not matter what path you choose in life, provided that it is the right one for you. 

If you make a decision based on this, you can never go wrong, because you will always get something out of each stage that will help you and guide you to take the next one and so on. 

In my case, this is how I came to write a year ago my first book called “You Are Already Everything You Need” and how I decided to start my personal growth project with Mindset With Alicia;  to be able to share with you my path of evolution and inner discovery, and in the same manner, I have no idea how it will turn out in the long run….  

And that’s okay!

What is magical is that I don’t care, because in writing each one of the lines of these articles and the scripts for this podcast, and recording them…. I feel happy and at peace with myself. 

And this is a most pure and truthful feeling that effectively tells you that you are living your purpose!

Your commitment when setting out on this path of internal discovery is not to find the perfect activity or career that manifests your purpose but rather to commit to always rediscovering that alignment with your true inner self, whatever the external circumstances are.

The more aware you are of your true inner self, the more you will change and evolve in your external reality… it’s always going to be a work in progress and that’s okay.

Being flexible along this path and dealing with the uncertainty of not knowing what is happening at certain times will be an inevitable part of the journey. 

Your function is to constantly anchor what you are doing with your true inner self and ask yourself if what you are doing at that moment, feels right in the deepest part of your being.

Many people become blocked along the path when searching for their purpose, often hindered by fears of creating problems, failing, or not fully understanding their path. Simply put, it's the fear of failure and the uncertainty it entails. 
So much so, that they decide to throw in the towel and go back to their ordinary life, which despite not satisfying them, gives them security to continue a “normal” life based on the established standards. 

This is proof that although we have a life purpose, it does not mean it is inevitable. 

As human beings, we have the will and freedom of choice and can decide whether to lead a life fully in balance with our true inner self or not and spend our lives without addressing our purpose.


➡️ If you enjoyed this article, you’ll find a much deeper analysis on how to start living a life full of passion and purpose in my book You Are Already Everything You Need

➡️ Click here to download the first four episodes of my book for free

➡️ Join the 20-Day Challenge in my podcast You Are All You Need and start walking together this journey of self-transformation

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Sobre Nosotros

¡Hola! Somos Marc y Alicia, los creadores de Evolucionando.

Nuestra travesía comenzó en 2015 cuando decidimos dar un giro radical a nuestras vidas. Dejamos nuestros trabajos estables en España y, con apenas cinco maletas, nos aventuramos a otro continente para comenzar desde cero. Esta decisión fue el primer paso hacia lo que sería una apasionante carrera emprendedora juntos.

En 2016, co-fundamos Cinematic Composing, una de las escuelas online más destacadas en educación musical para cine, alcanzando una facturación de siete cifras en menos de dos años y reuniendo a más de 20,000 estudiantes hasta el momento ¡y creciendo! 

Convertirnos en emprendedores significó embarcarnos en un camino de evolución personal constante. Durante estos años hemos aprendido a vivir hacia delante, visualizando siempre el futuro deseado, soñando lo imposible cada día y adoptando una mentalidad de crecimiento que nos ha permitido enfrentar con gran seguridad interna los desafíos que nos hemos ido encontrando tanto en nuestras aventuras empresariales como en nuestra vida personal.

Nuestra travesía comenzó en 2015 cuando decidimos dar un giro radical a nuestras vidas. Dejamos nuestros trabajos estables en España y, con apenas cinco maletas, nos aventuramos a otro continente para comenzar desde cero. Esta decisión fue el primer paso hacia lo que sería una apasionante carrera emprendedora juntos.

En 2016, co-fundamos Cinematic Composing, una de las escuelas online más destacadas en educación musical para cine, alcanzando una facturación de siete cifras en menos de dos años y reuniendo a más de 20,000 estudiantes hasta el momento ¡y creciendo! 

Convertirnos en emprendedores significó embarcarnos en un camino de evolución personal constante. Durante estos años hemos aprendido a vivir hacia delante, visualizando siempre el futuro deseado, soñando lo imposible cada día y adoptando una mentalidad de crecimiento que nos ha permitido enfrentar con gran seguridad interna los desafíos que nos hemos ido encontrando tanto en nuestras aventuras empresariales como en nuestra vida personal.

Breve Biografía

Marc Jovani

Es compositor de música de cine con trabajos para estudios como Warner Bross, Lionsgate, Syfy, y NETFLIX.

Es co-fundador y CEO de Cinematic Composing, ha guiado hasta la fecha a más de 20,000 compositores en su desarrollo musical y profesional. Su canal de Youtube tiene más de 46k suscriptores y creciendo.

Emprendedor y padre de dos, Marc combina su experiencia en música y negocios online para inspirar y ayudar a otros emprendedores a alcanzar sus metas a través de Evolucionando.

Alicia Carrasco

Periodista y escritora especializada en crecimiento personal, es además co-fundadora y COO de Cinematic Composing.

En 2022, Alicia lanzó su primer libro totalmente autopublicado sobre crecimiento personal, "Tú Ya Eres Todo Lo Que Necesitas", y en 2023 empezó su canal de Youtube Mindset with Alicia ofreciendo un enfoque práctico y empoderador para el auto-descubrimiento y la transformación personal.

Co-fundadora de Evolucionando y madre de dos, Alicia dedica su carrera a liderar Cinematic Composing y a motivar y guiar a emprendedores en su desarrollo personal y profesional.

Alicia Carrasco

Periodista y escritora especializada en crecimiento personal, es además co-fundadora y COO de Cinematic Composing.

En 2022, Alicia lanzó su primer libro totalmente autopublicado sobre crecimiento personal, "Tú Ya Eres Todo Lo Que Necesitas", y en 2023 empezó su canal de Youtube Mindset with Alicia ofreciendo un enfoque práctico y empoderador para el auto-descubrimiento y la transformación personal.

Co-fundadora de Evolucionando y madre de dos, Alicia dedica su carrera a liderar Cinematic Composing y a motivar y guiar a emprendedores en su desarrollo personal y profesional.

Juntos, Marc y Alicia, pareja desde hace más de 15 años y con una década de experiencia emprendiendo juntos, han aprendido las claves del éxito y del fracaso en el mundo empresarial. A través de Evolucionando, buscan compartir desde su humilde experiencia, y todas las tácticas, herramientas y lecciones aprendidas con la comunidad de emprendedores. Su objetivo es ofrecer apoyo, inspiración y estrategias prácticas que potencien tanto el desarrollo personal como el crecimiento empresarial de los emprendedores.








Ali y Marc


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