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Your purpose is within you

Your purpose is within you

August 07, 20246 min read

Today, we’re going to dive deep into the HOW. How to find your LIFE PURPOSE. And we are going to create together a step-by-step action plan on how to start living a life that is truly aligned with yourself. 

So let’s get started! And let’s do it with these two questions:

Why am I here?

What is the meaning of life?


1. Watch this YouTube video:

Your purpose is within you

2. Listen to this episode of the You Are All You Need podcast (available on any podcast streaming service)

3. Continue reading this article :)


Every one of us asked ourselves these questions at some moment and they are the same questions that humans have been asking themselves since time immemorial, and there is still no clear answer. There are many points of view, scientific studies, philosophies, religions, beliefs, and so on, which define the meaning of life from a myriad of perspectives. However, all of them do have one thing in common, the need for humanity to find an answer for the reason for its existence.

We are used to leaning on external entities to find the answers to this question of all questions, and we generally decide to listen to the beliefs of a specific religion, specific scientific trial or a specific philosophy, seeking within each of them the answer to this question that is ever present in our lives.

On many occasions, it may happen that at a certain point we decide to stop looking for the answer, because it is so intense, broad and overwhelming, so we put it away in a box and in most cases ignore it so as never to have to ask ourselves the question again in our lives. We choose to immerse ourselves into the mundane hustle and bustle of everyday life, full of obligations, things to do, worries, work, bills to pay, and so on and so on, becoming beings that constantly hurry to and fro at an ever-increasing pace without knowing the where or the why.

There is a constant and never-ending wheel we make with the obligations in our life, essentially created by the society in which we live, that distances us from finding the answer to the reason for our existence. Which would connect us with our inner truth, with what we have really come to be and share in this world.

In an attempt to fill this inner void, we spend our days eating but still feel hungry, drinking but still feel thirsty, we achieve targets but they are never enough, we are successful but we never feel satisfied, we constantly seek through never-ending scrolling, obtaining information, but not clarity, the list goes on. 

Many of us live our lives feeling like zombies, constantly seeking something to fill that void, where only your purpose in life can live.

I deeply believe, we all come into this world with a purpose. Your soul came to incarnate your physical body and to live this physical experience with an objective, with a purpose.

As a child, you are unconsciously aware of what your purpose is and therefore capable of questioning everything. You are capable of showing who you really are and acting without filters, listening -without realizing- to your soul. But it is during the process of growing up that you allow the external world to place layers over you -rules about how you should be, being compared to everyone else, understanding what is expected or not expected of you, etcetera,- and so you create layers upon layers, like in the story of the Golden Buddha -that we talked about in Day 3 of this challenge-, that cover you up and make you forget who you really are and why you came to this Earth.

Such are these layers that cover your true inner self, that on many occasions it is extremely complicated to understand who you are, what your purpose is, and why you have come here. 

In fact, many people think that there is nothing special about them, they are just simply another face in the crowd, they do not know enough, they are too young or too old, they do not have the resources, and so the list goes on. But the truth is that every person has a unique talent that nobody else has and a way of using it that is better than any other person on the planet.  Your job and responsibility in life is to remove these layers that prevent you from shining your unique and special you, to set out on the path towards your own truth and the reason for your existence.

I read this book while ago, called Discover Your Dharma, from Sahara Rose, and it was really interesting the way she explained in detail how to find your purpose in life. I highly recommend reading it, it’s an amazing book,

One of the most interesting concepts in her book is that your purpose is actually within you, and you don’t really need to find it…. you just need to remember what it is.  

Who you truly are and your purpose go hand-in-hand. This is what makes you really unique, it is the most truthful expression of who you are.

Living your purpose means embracing all those parts of you and living from a place that feels true and authentic to you.

Quite often, it is very complex to understand who you really are, because you have spent almost all of your life listening to everyone else and the external obligations and conditions, rather than stopping and listening to yourself, up to the point where you have almost completely forgotten that you really came to this planet to be different and to contribute through your unique and special talent.

Many people believe that finding their purpose in life means finding the perfect job or career. But, as Sahara Rose very well describes in her book, that could not be further from the truth. Finding your purpose goes way beyond that. Your life purpose is your mission, it is the reason why you are here, and your career or job is a way of manifesting your purpose. 

To simplify this even further, your purpose is that which is eternal within you, but your career or job may evolve and change at certain moments or stages of your life to manifest your purpose in one form or another. For example, your purpose may be to fight for social justice, but you can express it through your life by being a teacher, lawyer, volunteer in an NGO, entrepreneur, etcetera. But in the end, they are all manifestations of the same purpose.

So the key concept here, is that your purpose is not so much what you do but rather the energy that surrounds everything you do. This is your unique and distinguishing touch that you bring to everything you do. 

And when you remember what your inner truth is and you find the way to express this truth on an ongoing basis. You start living a life in total balance with your inner self, and the creativity, energy, and inspiration constantly flow during your days, because you are living in alignment with your most absolute and authentic true self.


Ready To Upgrade?

➡️ If you enjoyed this article, you’ll find a much deeper analysis on how to start living a life full of passion and purpose in my book You Are Already Everything You Need

➡️ Click here to download the first four episodes of my book for free

➡️ Join the 20-Day Challenge in my podcast You Are All You Need and start walking together this journey of self-transformation

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Sobre Nosotros

¡Hola! Somos Marc y Alicia, los creadores de Evolucionando.

Nuestra travesía comenzó en 2015 cuando decidimos dar un giro radical a nuestras vidas. Dejamos nuestros trabajos estables en España y, con apenas cinco maletas, nos aventuramos a otro continente para comenzar desde cero. Esta decisión fue el primer paso hacia lo que sería una apasionante carrera emprendedora juntos.

En 2016, co-fundamos Cinematic Composing, una de las escuelas online más destacadas en educación musical para cine, alcanzando una facturación de siete cifras en menos de dos años y reuniendo a más de 20,000 estudiantes hasta el momento ¡y creciendo! 

Convertirnos en emprendedores significó embarcarnos en un camino de evolución personal constante. Durante estos años hemos aprendido a vivir hacia delante, visualizando siempre el futuro deseado, soñando lo imposible cada día y adoptando una mentalidad de crecimiento que nos ha permitido enfrentar con gran seguridad interna los desafíos que nos hemos ido encontrando tanto en nuestras aventuras empresariales como en nuestra vida personal.

Nuestra travesía comenzó en 2015 cuando decidimos dar un giro radical a nuestras vidas. Dejamos nuestros trabajos estables en España y, con apenas cinco maletas, nos aventuramos a otro continente para comenzar desde cero. Esta decisión fue el primer paso hacia lo que sería una apasionante carrera emprendedora juntos.

En 2016, co-fundamos Cinematic Composing, una de las escuelas online más destacadas en educación musical para cine, alcanzando una facturación de siete cifras en menos de dos años y reuniendo a más de 20,000 estudiantes hasta el momento ¡y creciendo! 

Convertirnos en emprendedores significó embarcarnos en un camino de evolución personal constante. Durante estos años hemos aprendido a vivir hacia delante, visualizando siempre el futuro deseado, soñando lo imposible cada día y adoptando una mentalidad de crecimiento que nos ha permitido enfrentar con gran seguridad interna los desafíos que nos hemos ido encontrando tanto en nuestras aventuras empresariales como en nuestra vida personal.

Breve Biografía

Marc Jovani

Es compositor de música de cine con trabajos para estudios como Warner Bross, Lionsgate, Syfy, y NETFLIX.

Es co-fundador y CEO de Cinematic Composing, ha guiado hasta la fecha a más de 20,000 compositores en su desarrollo musical y profesional. Su canal de Youtube tiene más de 46k suscriptores y creciendo.

Emprendedor y padre de dos, Marc combina su experiencia en música y negocios online para inspirar y ayudar a otros emprendedores a alcanzar sus metas a través de Evolucionando.

Alicia Carrasco

Periodista y escritora especializada en crecimiento personal, es además co-fundadora y COO de Cinematic Composing.

En 2022, Alicia lanzó su primer libro totalmente autopublicado sobre crecimiento personal, "Tú Ya Eres Todo Lo Que Necesitas", y en 2023 empezó su canal de Youtube Mindset with Alicia ofreciendo un enfoque práctico y empoderador para el auto-descubrimiento y la transformación personal.

Co-fundadora de Evolucionando y madre de dos, Alicia dedica su carrera a liderar Cinematic Composing y a motivar y guiar a emprendedores en su desarrollo personal y profesional.

Alicia Carrasco

Periodista y escritora especializada en crecimiento personal, es además co-fundadora y COO de Cinematic Composing.

En 2022, Alicia lanzó su primer libro totalmente autopublicado sobre crecimiento personal, "Tú Ya Eres Todo Lo Que Necesitas", y en 2023 empezó su canal de Youtube Mindset with Alicia ofreciendo un enfoque práctico y empoderador para el auto-descubrimiento y la transformación personal.

Co-fundadora de Evolucionando y madre de dos, Alicia dedica su carrera a liderar Cinematic Composing y a motivar y guiar a emprendedores en su desarrollo personal y profesional.

Juntos, Marc y Alicia, pareja desde hace más de 15 años y con una década de experiencia emprendiendo juntos, han aprendido las claves del éxito y del fracaso en el mundo empresarial. A través de Evolucionando, buscan compartir desde su humilde experiencia, y todas las tácticas, herramientas y lecciones aprendidas con la comunidad de emprendedores. Su objetivo es ofrecer apoyo, inspiración y estrategias prácticas que potencien tanto el desarrollo personal como el crecimiento empresarial de los emprendedores.








Ali y Marc


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