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How many times have you caught yourself overthinking things? Stuck in an endless loop trying to contemplate every possible scenario to take a decision and getting caught in paralysis by analysis?
I’ve been there more than I’d like to admit.
I’ve been there as an artist (writer), as an entrepreneur, as a wife, as a mom of two…
And almost for every significant role I play in my life… I’ve been there at some point!
Actually - to be completely honest with you - over the past year, I’ve found myself caught up on that endless loop several times specifically in my writing career, trying to figure out what would be the best step to take next… after writing my book.
And that’s funny because I know the theory.
Really quick: there are actually 3 ways to enjoy this article:
1. Watch this YouTube video:
2. Listen to this episode of the You Are All You Need podcast (available on any podcast streaming service)
3. Continue reading this article :)
I understand that advancing on your path of personal evolution requires taking consistent action, balancing your thoughts with tangible actions, acquiring real-world experience, and gaining valuable insights to guide your next steps
Over the years, I’ve applied this countless times, and I know it works because today I can say that I’m living a life that is really in alignment with my inner self and my purpose in almost every area of my life...
However, with my writing career, I’ve been struggling with my next move. This is because I needed to undertake deeper introspection to fully understand why I was experiencing that internal blockage.
So, today, I want to share with you the process I followed to overcome the 'paralysis by analysis' I often experienced in this particular area. This blockage was stifling my creativity and even began to impact everything else in my life negatively
For me, WRITING is the way I connect with my CREATIVE POWER and find my CENTER… It's kind of my self-care ritual when I express myself through words.
During all those moments of overthinking and worrying about making the best decision possible without taking action, I was slowly but constantly distancing myself from this CENTER.
This separation was a dangerous place to be, as what follows next, if continued for too long, is a sense of lacking purpose.
And I knew I didn’t want to take that route.
I’m sharing this with you, because even when you know the theory, life is life, and sometimes you can get caught up in these loops very easily.
I’m like you, I have my good and bad moments…
But, the important thing is to have COMPASSION TOWARDS YOURSELF, to be able to STOP, GENERATE SPACE TO OBSERVE, and BE CURIOUS about what you’re experiencing at that moment. From that perspective, without your ego involved, try to find the answers you’re looking for, which have always been INSIDE YOU
So the process I followed started with asking myself these questions:
Why am I overthinking that much?
Why am I caught here without being able to move forward?
Simple questions, right?
So, for the past months, I had been asking them myself just to find out over and over again the same excused-based answers.
I used to answer (and convince) myself:
“Well, it is important to make the right moves, I don’t wanna waste my time here…”
“It’s important to assess all the possibilities and decide the best option to move forward because I’ll be spending time and resources in that direction and I want to be as much certain as possible that I can succeed in following that specific path”
Of course, I was answering those questions with my ego involved…
Not wanting to be honest with myself…. I didn’t want to listen to the TRUTH.
Until, one morning, I decided to engage in this exercise again and committed to the challenging task of setting aside my ego and being brutally honest with myself, even if it was painful. I aimed to be true to my inner feelings
I took a deep MEDITATION and after that, from that state of peace and calmness, I opened my JOURNAL and I started my reflection.
I started writing thoughts, perceptions, and emotions I was feeling… and at some point, I saw it crystal clear…. as I wrote down the following:
“I’m afraid I will fail.”
“I’m afraid I will fail because I’m not talented enough.”
I’m just scared.
And as soon as I wrote that word: FEAR. I felt relieved, I knew that I had found the reason for my constant blockage…. That was it.
And that FEAR had kept me on the sidelines for months.
It was very very subtle, but it slowly took control of my mind and kept my insecurities growing and growing… in this specific area of my life.
I ended up MAKING UP EXCUSES in the shape of over-assessing the consequences, possibilities, scenarios, etc. to keep me in the status quo, in my comfort zone, because it is safer there.
But… I also wrote down the following question in my journal:
What if the real risk isn’t about making a wrong move, but rather not making any move at all?
When I got to that realization… It felt even scarier. At least for me.
It felt scarier to keep standing on the sidelines.
I imagined my future self living a life full of regrets because I decided at some point to not get in the arena and prove to myself that I could fail and stand up, learn, fail again, and get back up stronger and better than before…
So for me, that profound visualization of my Future Self full of regrets, was enough to decide at that moment to stop overthinking and having doubts.
And I just committed to taking ACTION. Even if I thought it was imperfect.
And that’s why I’m writing today.
So if you’re experiencing a similar situation and you need the push to start taking action and leave the paralysis by analysis behind, these three questions that I just shared changed it all for me, when I got to answer them without my ego involved and after a deep meditation and journaling reflection:
Why am I overthinking that much?
Why am I caught here without being able to move forward?
What if the real risk isn’t about making a wrong move, but rather not making any move at all?
I hope they can also be useful for you as well.
And recently I was reading a great book I recommend from Dr. Benjamin Hardy, called BE YOUR FUTURE SELF NOW, in one chapter of the book, he explained this paralysis by analysis very clearly.
And I’d like to finish this reflection by reading straight from his book, which I think summarizes perfectly what GETTING IN THE ARENA MEANS, and hopefully, it can give you the INSIGHTS you need to start taking action.
So here it goes.
By refusing to get in the arena you are failing by default.
Being outside the arena means you’re overthinking, caught in paralysis by analysis. You’re letting fear win. Take for example, the countless people who want to start a business, or write a book, or learn a language, or…. (fill the blank) of any dream someone might have.
The longer you hesitate to enter the playing field, the longer you delay the essential learning curve. You cannot deliberately practice on the sidelines,
Outside the arena may feel safe, but it’s the most dangerous place you could be. While outside, you remain ignorance of your own ignorance. You may be an armchair philosopher on whatever subject you’re interested in, but you’re not becoming a pro. Staying on the sidelines leads to a life of regrets.
It takes courage to get into the game because once in the arena, you will fail. You’ll immediately get hit in the face with the consequences of your actions and your ignorance.
Once you’re in the arena, and dealing with the realities of the situation, then you can engage in applied learning where you get filtered information you can use right now.
Spectators are caught in paralysis by analysis, fear and decision fatigue. The longer you wait to enter your arena, the more you limit your Future Self.
Being in the arena means you’re finally facing and embracing reality. In the arena, you’re no longer afraid of reality because it has become your instructor.
That’s all from me today.
Ready To Upgrade?
➡️ If you enjoyed this article, you’ll find a much deeper analysis on how to start living a life full of passion and purpose in my book You Are Already Everything You Need
➡️ Click here to download the first four episodes of my book for free
➡️ Join the 20-Day Challenge in my podcast You Are All You Need and start walking together this journey of self-transformation
Nuestra travesía comenzó en 2015 cuando decidimos dar un giro radical a nuestras vidas. Dejamos nuestros trabajos estables en España y, con apenas cinco maletas, nos aventuramos a otro continente para comenzar desde cero. Esta decisión fue el primer paso hacia lo que sería una apasionante carrera emprendedora juntos.
En 2016, co-fundamos Cinematic Composing, una de las escuelas online más destacadas en educación musical para cine, alcanzando una facturación de siete cifras en menos de dos años y reuniendo a más de 20,000 estudiantes hasta el momento ¡y creciendo!
Convertirnos en emprendedores significó embarcarnos en un camino de evolución personal constante. Durante estos años hemos aprendido a vivir hacia delante, visualizando siempre el futuro deseado, soñando lo imposible cada día y adoptando una mentalidad de crecimiento que nos ha permitido enfrentar con gran seguridad interna los desafíos que nos hemos ido encontrando tanto en nuestras aventuras empresariales como en nuestra vida personal.
Nuestra travesía comenzó en 2015 cuando decidimos dar un giro radical a nuestras vidas. Dejamos nuestros trabajos estables en España y, con apenas cinco maletas, nos aventuramos a otro continente para comenzar desde cero. Esta decisión fue el primer paso hacia lo que sería una apasionante carrera emprendedora juntos.
En 2016, co-fundamos Cinematic Composing, una de las escuelas online más destacadas en educación musical para cine, alcanzando una facturación de siete cifras en menos de dos años y reuniendo a más de 20,000 estudiantes hasta el momento ¡y creciendo!
Convertirnos en emprendedores significó embarcarnos en un camino de evolución personal constante. Durante estos años hemos aprendido a vivir hacia delante, visualizando siempre el futuro deseado, soñando lo imposible cada día y adoptando una mentalidad de crecimiento que nos ha permitido enfrentar con gran seguridad interna los desafíos que nos hemos ido encontrando tanto en nuestras aventuras empresariales como en nuestra vida personal.
Marc Jovani
Es compositor de música de cine con trabajos para estudios como Warner Bross, Lionsgate, Syfy, y NETFLIX.
Es co-fundador y CEO de Cinematic Composing, ha guiado hasta la fecha a más de 20,000 compositores en su desarrollo musical y profesional. Su canal de Youtube tiene más de 46k suscriptores y creciendo.
Emprendedor y padre de dos, Marc combina su experiencia en música y negocios online para inspirar y ayudar a otros emprendedores a alcanzar sus metas a través de Evolucionando.
Alicia Carrasco
Periodista y escritora especializada en crecimiento personal, es además co-fundadora y COO de Cinematic Composing.
En 2022, Alicia lanzó su primer libro totalmente autopublicado sobre crecimiento personal, "Tú Ya Eres Todo Lo Que Necesitas", y en 2023 empezó su canal de Youtube Mindset with Alicia ofreciendo un enfoque práctico y empoderador para el auto-descubrimiento y la transformación personal.
Co-fundadora de Evolucionando y madre de dos, Alicia dedica su carrera a liderar Cinematic Composing y a motivar y guiar a emprendedores en su desarrollo personal y profesional.
Alicia Carrasco
Periodista y escritora especializada en crecimiento personal, es además co-fundadora y COO de Cinematic Composing.
En 2022, Alicia lanzó su primer libro totalmente autopublicado sobre crecimiento personal, "Tú Ya Eres Todo Lo Que Necesitas", y en 2023 empezó su canal de Youtube Mindset with Alicia ofreciendo un enfoque práctico y empoderador para el auto-descubrimiento y la transformación personal.
Co-fundadora de Evolucionando y madre de dos, Alicia dedica su carrera a liderar Cinematic Composing y a motivar y guiar a emprendedores en su desarrollo personal y profesional.
Juntos, Marc y Alicia, pareja desde hace más de 15 años y con una década de experiencia emprendiendo juntos, han aprendido las claves del éxito y del fracaso en el mundo empresarial. A través de Evolucionando, buscan compartir desde su humilde experiencia, y todas las tácticas, herramientas y lecciones aprendidas con la comunidad de emprendedores. Su objetivo es ofrecer apoyo, inspiración y estrategias prácticas que potencien tanto el desarrollo personal como el crecimiento empresarial de los emprendedores.
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