Ayudamos a coaches, consultores y emprendedores en formación online a aumentar su facturación un 50% sin dedicar horas extra y además catapultar todas las áreas de su vida en el proceso.
Imagine for a moment that you are able to live a life in which you have everything you have always wanted…
A life in which every morning when you wake up you feel a tremendous urge to leap out of bed and get on with doing everything that you plan to do with your day, because it fills you with excitement, passion, and motivation.
A life where there are no worries, stress, or obligations.
A life that fills you with energy, one that makes you feel more alive, more capable, and happier day after day…
Because you have perfected the art of making smart decisions that are in line with who you are and what your purpose is here on Earth.
A life where you feel everything happens exactly as it should.
Imagine feeling such self-confidence that you are able to achieve everything that you set your mind to, including your most fantastic dreams.
Imagine that you are capable of achieving this with the tools that you already have within you…
Wouldn’t it be amazing? Being able to live a life that feels PERFECT for YOU?
Really quick: there are actually 3 ways to enjoy this article:
1. Watch this YouTube video
2. Listen to this episode of the You Are All You Need podcast (available on any podcast streaming service)
3. Continue reading this article :)
Maybe you’re like… “Okay, that sounds perfect and amazing, but let’s get real, life is complicated, I have to deal with problems every day, I have to keep my job even though I don’t really like it in order to pay the bills every month, I have kids and a family to take care of… and it really looks like a fantasy to be able to live a life like what you just described. It looks like a children’s tale or something…”
I get it. I know.
I actually used to think that way as well.
I really thought that life was kind of a succession of random events that you cannot control and that it didn’t really matter if you made plans because there were always unexpected events that could happen and throw everything away…
I used to think that life was happening to me and I was living in a kind of a victim mindset. I was reacting to my environment. I was living on autopilot.
So If these thoughts resonate with you because you’re actually having them right now, It’s okay!
It is what it is. It’s your mind keeping you safe, it’s its job to do so. Your mind wants you to survive. AND whenever you’d like to make a change in your life, you will always have to deal with this inner conversation with your mind and thoughts that want to prevent you from failure, uncertainty, risk, etc.
Your mind actually loves you to go on autopilot. Loves the status quo.
But this is the thing. This is what I found out…
If you really want to advance in your life, and intentionally transform yourself and your life around you, you have to build the muscle of questioning those rooted and subconscious thoughts that want you to keep living and acting in the status quo.
When you start on this journey of personal growth and you commit to evolving and unlocking the best version of yourself: you become a PARADIGM SHIFTER. You get used to rewiring and training your brain to think differently and in a more empowering way in order to EMBODY YOUR PURPOSE HERE ON EARTH and IMPACT the rest of the people around you.
But how do you really start on this journey of self-discovery?
It’s simple. You just start by taking the first small step in that direction. You already did it today by reading this article.
The next step that I propose to get you started on this journey of self-transformation is to join my 20-Day Challenge in my brand new podcast You Are All You Need, committing for just 20 days to listening to the corresponding episode and allocating 3-5 minutes of your day to journaling.
This is my challenge for you.
To stick this out for all 20 episodes, listen to the corresponding episode every day while you’re having your morning walk, your commute, doing chores at home… whatever the best time for you is, and then do your 3 to 5-minute journaling reflection.
You are what you continuously do. Your habits and routines create the quality of your life. And, by building during these 20 episodes together the habit of journaling, you’ll get a whole new perspective on who you are, what is it that you really want to achieve in your life, and how to balance it all to have a life that is perfect for you.
And when journaling, there is not right or wrong way of doing it. The most amazing thing about journaling is that you do it JUST FOR YOU. And you don’t even have to go back and read it if you don’t want to….The purpose of journaling it’s not to show it to others… It’s just a tool YOU USE, for yourself, to let the emotions and thoughts that fill your mind, get out in the shape of words in your paper.
Personally, journaling has helped me in every step of my personal development journey and gave me the confidence that I needed back in 2015 to leave my job as an English teacher in Spain. And, shortly after that, helped me start my entrepreneurial journey with my husband, Marc, which led us to move to another continent and start from scratch -with literally five suitcases!
Journaling helped me to keep my insecurities and fears at bay when Marc and I decided to take the leap and create an online film music education school called Cinematic
Composing that had a seven-figure turnover in less than two years and more than 15,000 students… and growing! Which at the time sounded crazy and impossible!
AND, most importantly journaling really was the tool that helped me during my postpartum depression after my second baby in 2019, to understand that I had to do something different in my life… and that led me to train as a yoga teacher, write a book about mindset and it also brought me today to create this podcast to empower others by sharing my humble and personal experiences, in their self-discovery journey.
I just wanted to share my personal experience with journaling, because it’s incredible all you can achieve when you give yourself permission to express HONESTLY your most fantastic dreams and inner desires. JOURNALING helps you do so and will guide you to uncover the GOLDEM GEM you are within.
This is my challenge for you…
Are you in?
Click HERE to join the 20-Day Challenge in my podcast You Are All You Need.
See you on the other side!
Ready To Upgrade?
➡️ If you enjoyed this article, you’ll find a much deeper analysis on how to start living a life full of passion and purpose in my book You Are Already Everything You Need
➡️ Click here to download the first four episodes of my book for free
Nuestra travesía comenzó en 2015 cuando decidimos dar un giro radical a nuestras vidas. Dejamos nuestros trabajos estables en España y, con apenas cinco maletas, nos aventuramos a otro continente para comenzar desde cero. Esta decisión fue el primer paso hacia lo que sería una apasionante carrera emprendedora juntos.
En 2016, co-fundamos Cinematic Composing, una de las escuelas online más destacadas en educación musical para cine, alcanzando una facturación de siete cifras en menos de dos años y reuniendo a más de 20,000 estudiantes hasta el momento ¡y creciendo!
Convertirnos en emprendedores significó embarcarnos en un camino de evolución personal constante. Durante estos años hemos aprendido a vivir hacia delante, visualizando siempre el futuro deseado, soñando lo imposible cada día y adoptando una mentalidad de crecimiento que nos ha permitido enfrentar con gran seguridad interna los desafíos que nos hemos ido encontrando tanto en nuestras aventuras empresariales como en nuestra vida personal.
Nuestra travesía comenzó en 2015 cuando decidimos dar un giro radical a nuestras vidas. Dejamos nuestros trabajos estables en España y, con apenas cinco maletas, nos aventuramos a otro continente para comenzar desde cero. Esta decisión fue el primer paso hacia lo que sería una apasionante carrera emprendedora juntos.
En 2016, co-fundamos Cinematic Composing, una de las escuelas online más destacadas en educación musical para cine, alcanzando una facturación de siete cifras en menos de dos años y reuniendo a más de 20,000 estudiantes hasta el momento ¡y creciendo!
Convertirnos en emprendedores significó embarcarnos en un camino de evolución personal constante. Durante estos años hemos aprendido a vivir hacia delante, visualizando siempre el futuro deseado, soñando lo imposible cada día y adoptando una mentalidad de crecimiento que nos ha permitido enfrentar con gran seguridad interna los desafíos que nos hemos ido encontrando tanto en nuestras aventuras empresariales como en nuestra vida personal.
Marc Jovani
Es compositor de música de cine con trabajos para estudios como Warner Bross, Lionsgate, Syfy, y NETFLIX.
Es co-fundador y CEO de Cinematic Composing, ha guiado hasta la fecha a más de 20,000 compositores en su desarrollo musical y profesional. Su canal de Youtube tiene más de 46k suscriptores y creciendo.
Emprendedor y padre de dos, Marc combina su experiencia en música y negocios online para inspirar y ayudar a otros emprendedores a alcanzar sus metas a través de Evolucionando.
Alicia Carrasco
Periodista y escritora especializada en crecimiento personal, es además co-fundadora y COO de Cinematic Composing.
En 2022, Alicia lanzó su primer libro totalmente autopublicado sobre crecimiento personal, "Tú Ya Eres Todo Lo Que Necesitas", y en 2023 empezó su canal de Youtube Mindset with Alicia ofreciendo un enfoque práctico y empoderador para el auto-descubrimiento y la transformación personal.
Co-fundadora de Evolucionando y madre de dos, Alicia dedica su carrera a liderar Cinematic Composing y a motivar y guiar a emprendedores en su desarrollo personal y profesional.
Alicia Carrasco
Periodista y escritora especializada en crecimiento personal, es además co-fundadora y COO de Cinematic Composing.
En 2022, Alicia lanzó su primer libro totalmente autopublicado sobre crecimiento personal, "Tú Ya Eres Todo Lo Que Necesitas", y en 2023 empezó su canal de Youtube Mindset with Alicia ofreciendo un enfoque práctico y empoderador para el auto-descubrimiento y la transformación personal.
Co-fundadora de Evolucionando y madre de dos, Alicia dedica su carrera a liderar Cinematic Composing y a motivar y guiar a emprendedores en su desarrollo personal y profesional.
Juntos, Marc y Alicia, pareja desde hace más de 15 años y con una década de experiencia emprendiendo juntos, han aprendido las claves del éxito y del fracaso en el mundo empresarial. A través de Evolucionando, buscan compartir desde su humilde experiencia, y todas las tácticas, herramientas y lecciones aprendidas con la comunidad de emprendedores. Su objetivo es ofrecer apoyo, inspiración y estrategias prácticas que potencien tanto el desarrollo personal como el crecimiento empresarial de los emprendedores.
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Copyright © 2025• Evolucionando • Una marca de Cinematic Composing LLC • Todos los derechos reservados • Lake Forest, CA